
The ExploreInnoSpaces Platform for the digital transformation of SMEs

The ExploreInnoSpaces Platform for the digital transformation of SMEs

11 ottobre, dalle 9.00 alle 18.00

Villa Braida, Mogliano Veneto (TV) 


Introduction by Andrea Polelli
Presentation of the L4s project – Matteo Povolato
Presentation of the ExploreInnospaces – Simona Aceto
The agile management of the digital transformation – Stefano Schiavo


The agile approach of the ExploreInnoSpaces platform – Stefano Schiavo
Strategies to be adopted in order to apply and spread the potential of the ExploreInnospaces platform for the competitiveness of the regional economic context – Stefano Schiavo
ExploreInnoSpaces “on air”: working groups with different digital domains for the agile exploitation of the platform – Stefano Schiavo
L4s: analysis of outcomes of the WGs and future perspectives for the next steps – Matteo Povolato  – Stefano Schiavo

Iscrizioni gratuite scrivendo a europa@ecipa.eu

Evento moltiplicatore del Progetto LAB.4.SMEs realizzato con il sostegno del fondo europeo per lo sviluppo regionale e Interreg V-A Italia- Austria 2014-2020